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About Us

The Mayan Garden estate has been in the Leonards family for over 30 years

The property consists of 20 acres of lush tropical garden, and has been owned and cared for by the Leonards Family for over 30 years. Anthony Leonards acquired the property back in 1987, for the purpose of placing his grass-fed Water Buffalo Herd in a place where they could thrive on the rich fertile pastures of Belize. The Mayan Garden started out as a home, but later grew into something much more; it is now the home to over 100 species of plants, birds, & wildlife. Today The Mayan Garden is still considered a home for Anthony and his family.

The History

A Sacred Place

The Mayan Garden is a sacred place of nature and history. It has endured more than thousands of years worth of strong energetic occurrences that pins it as an important landmark in history. It is hypothesized that a Mayan trading post was set up in the area of this property due to its prime location on the river and relatively short distance by river from Lamanai.

About a thousand years later after the fall of the Mayan civilization, the property was purchased and owned as a Jaguar hunting facility. This was quite popular in the mid 1900s, and was done mostly for sport and trade. International trade of jaguar skins boomed between the end of the World War II and the early 1970s. The trade in jaguar skins decreased since 1973 when the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species was enacted.

It was not until the late 80s that the Leonards family acquired the property. During this time, 85% of the foliage, trees and gardens, that encompass the natural beauty of the facility, was orchestrated by Anthony Leonards to be planted on the property. Today the property acts as a prime breeding location for various native birds such as Toucans and a variety of native species of parrots; they flock to the property when the trees begin to have fruit and or seeds. These beautiful native birds add to the atmosphere of the tropical rainforest orchestra that makes the garden even more unique. The property has hundreds of different kinds of species of plants and also has a variety of native trees that are over a hundred years old. A plethora of Iguanas are also commonly seen within the property, further giving visitors an authentic jungle experience.


Species of Plants


Species of Birds & Wildlife


Years of History


Years Of New Construction